How to configure When creating a new attribute, select the “related products” template. And make sure you have type “Product” selected. Curious to know what works well together? Click here to view the attribute support table.
You can also choose to set a style. Like rounded or squared. Or you can inherit from theme. You could even override the border radius there to a custom value. Custom styles should go in the Custom CSS field. Finally you can choose to display the options horizontally (as cards) or vertically (like an options list). Product attribute settings
In the product attribute option, you can select your WooCommerce product. The following attributes will be loaded automatically Thumbnail: featured WooCommerce product image Price: price (and sale price if applicable) Stock: if set. You have to set the title manually. You can choose to keep the title the same, or add your own title. Make sure all product titles are unique. Furthermore, you can choose to allow multiple quantities of the product. By default only one item is allowed. One item will show a button to add or remove the product. Multiple quantity option will show an input field so the user can enter their desired quantity. Example We have created a demo product that showcases the related products attribute in action. Click the button below to see a live demo. See demo