How to show configuration images in cart and checkout

When using a product configurator in WooCommerce, you may want to display generated configuration images in the cart and checkout. In this article we will explain how to achieve this.

In this post:

Activating the configuration image generator

Version 1.x

To generate images for the cart, you need to have a theme linked to your configurator builder.

If you don’t have a theme set up, you should create one now

To activate generating configuration images, go over to Staggs -> Themes -> [Your theme] -> Settings tab and scroll all the way down till you see the section “Cart and checkout”

Also see image below

Next, check the box “Generate Active Configuration Image for Cart”

If you want to save images so you can check it in the future as well, make sure to check the second option as well

Version 2.x

In version 2.x, the themes have been renamed to Templates.

If you don’t have a template set up, you should create one now

To activate generating configuration images, go over to Staggs -> Templates -> [Your template] and open up the “Gallery” tab.

Now look for the option “Generate Active Configuration Image for Cart”. Activate the option and save the template.


Note: if your site generates loads of configurations, your server disk space usage may increase a bit. Make sure to monitor this.

Show configuration image in checkout and order pages

Now that the configurator generates images for the cart, we can also display these images in the checkout and order pages

To enable images on this pages, you should head over to Staggs -> Settings -> WooCommerce [tab] and scroll down.

You should see option “Display generated product image on checkout page” and more

Here you can control which pages to include the generated image on.

And you can also control the width and the height of the image.

Finally, save the settings.

Now the generated image should appear on the checked pages as well.

WooCommerce Cart Block Issue

Please note that the configuration images can’t be shown in the WooCommerce Cart block.

The WooCommerce team is working on a fix.

For now, you should use the “woocommerce_cart” shortcode instead to make configuration images visible.

For latest updates on this issue, click this link.

Templates (or themes)

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