The PRO version of Staggs allows you to enable the configuration wishlist. The wishlist only contains Staggs configurations and is located on the WooCommerce customer account page. So you will need to have WooCommerce and the Staggs PRO version installed to activate the Staggs customer wishlist Adding the wishlist button Version 1.x To activate the button, head over to Staggs -> Themes -> [your theme] and open up the “Settings” tab If you don’t have a theme, you should create one first Next, scroll down and locate the checkbox “Display button to add configuration to wishlist” Version 2.x To activate the button, head over to Staggs -> Templates -> [your template] and open up the “Gallery controls” tab If you don’t have a template, you should create one first Next, scroll down and locate the checkbox “Display button to add configuration to wishlist” Check the setting and save your theme Result
Wishlist page After clicking the button “Add to my configurations”, the current configuration will be added to the customer wishlist A confirmation message will show up when the configuration has been added to the list, including a link to visit the page. The wishlist page is an additional WooCommerce account page, which will be styled based on your theme. In the Astra theme it looks something like this:
Changing the wishlist settings You can also change the labels of the messages, and the title of the “My configurations” page Simply head over to Staggs -> Settings and click the “Labels” tab Here you can find all the labels for the wishlist section, among other plugin labels.