
The color option looks a lot like the image option, but is it slightly more limited, because you can only select a color.

In the image option, you can give any text value you would like. For the color option, you can only set a hex color value.

So keep that in mind when adding the product items.

In this post:

Use case

The color attribute type has some specific roles where it can be very useful:

  • In the “Color swatches” template
  • Update the color of input preview texts
  • Update the color of 3D model materials


So with the color swatch, you get an extra input field: color. There you can pick any desired color.

You also get your regular image settings for updating the main image part, so you could also use the color option with other attribute templates.

But we advise you to only use this attribute type in specific scenario’s. For other scenarios you can better use the Image type.

Attribute Types

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