
The input attribute type is specifically used for capturing user inputs. This product item type can only be used in certain attribute templates.

You can optionally allow the value to be included in the image preview. Though it is a premium feature.

In this post:

Input settings

There are a few common shared input settings that are the same for all inputs.

Input preview settings

Just like image type you can also enable a preview for input types. The value of the input field will be displayed on the main image.

To position the value correctly, you can define a position from the top and left to position it within the image.

You can also set the top- and left position for mobile to ensure the positioning of the values are correct on mobile and desktop.

Input value settings

Each input has a few basic settings: minimum acceptable value (or character length), maximum acceptable value (or character length), and the current value.

Input types

At the moment we support the following input field types:

  • Text input
  • Textarea
  • Number input
  • Range input

The number input and range input comes with some additional settings:

  • Field unit: if you want to display a unit, like cm, mm, inch, gallon, liter
  • Field key: if you want to use the input for price calculations, you can define a key here that can be used in formula or matrix table.

The range input has some more settings about the range type:

Attribute Types

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