Input settings There are a few common shared input settings that are the same for all inputs. Input preview settings
Just like image type you can also enable a preview for input types. The value of the input field will be displayed on the main image. To position the value correctly, you can define a position from the top and left to position it within the image. You can also set the top- and left position for mobile to ensure the positioning of the values are correct on mobile and desktop. Input value settings
Each input has a few basic settings: minimum acceptable value (or character length), maximum acceptable value (or character length), and the current value. Input types At the moment we support the following input field types: Text input Textarea Number input Range input The number input and range input comes with some additional settings: Field unit: if you want to display a unit, like cm, mm, inch, gallon, liter Field key: if you want to use the input for price calculations, you can define a key here that can be used in formula or matrix table. The range input has some more settings about the range type:
You can define the range increments (steps by 1, 10, 100, etc). If you want to know more about numeric inputs and price calculations, please read these articles: add prices to attribute options setting up advanced measurement pricing.