Download active configuration as PDF

In this post:

You might have noticed that we implemented a request invoice feature. But you can also allow the customer to download a PDF of the active configuration.

Adding the button

In the settings tab on your configurable product page you will find a checkbox called ‘Display Download PDF button’.

Check the box and enter any button text you like.

Save the product and you should see the button appear in your configurator.

The location of the button might be different, based on your template.


Customizing the PDF

You can find the settings for the PDF on the Settings page of the Staggs plugin. At the moment we only support one PDF template.

If you like to see a different template added, please let us know!

You can change the primary, secondary and text colors.

And change the section labels.

PDF header details

The logo is loaded from the company logo in the General tab.

The store name is retrieved from the site title, and the address details are loaded from the WooCommerce Store Address settings.

See example PDF

Attribute Types

Chevron icon
Toggle widget nav content

Hooks and Filters

Chevron icon
Toggle widget nav content