In this post you will get to know how you can control the display of your 3D model parts. You can conditionally show/hide parts based on a given configuration. Let’s hop right in. Note: if you don’t know the model part names (node names) of your 3D model, or if your model contains 3D nodes at all, simply inspect the model with our 3D model inspector. 3D model inspector
The model part display consist of two parts: 1. The base model parts that will be visible at all times 2. The conditional model parts that will only be visible when an item is selected Base model parts First, we are going to add the base model parts. Head over to your configurable product and locate the “Staggs product configurator” metabox. Make sure your type is set to “3D model” instead of image. Now you will see a field called “3D model nodes”
Here you can enter your base model node names in a comma separated list: Node1, Node2, Node3, etc. Enter the node names and save the product. When visiting the product page, you should now only see the configured model parts. Attribute settings With our base nodes in place, let’s add the attribute option nodes. Head over to your Staggs attribute, open up the “Presentatation” tab and scroll down to the Gallery type field. Make sure it is also set to “3D model”
For the 3D model group label, you can leave that empty Next, set the 3D model part to Model node. Attribute option settings Finally, open up the “General” tab of your attribute and scroll down to the attribute options. Now you will see each item contains a 3D model nodes field. Here you can enter the model parts that should be visible for the specific attribute option. Again, you can enter a comma separated list if you wish to show more parts at once.